Research ethics has been developed in our institute for maintaining academic integrity and honesty - the major tenets for conducting qualitative research. Academic integrity entails ethics and transparency in academic and research endeavors. It also fosters a climate of mutual trust to encourage the free exchange of ideas and enable all to reach their highest potential. The P G Department of Botany is the recognized Research Centre in our college affiliated to the University of Kerala. Some faculties from the Botany, Political Science and Chemistry Departments have guideship from Kerala University and guiding students for research work leading to Ph.D. Our institute is committed for promoting research of highest standard without any plagiarism and related malpractices. We also encourage academic freedom and innovation. All the research scholars and faculty members must be honest and sincere while executing research activities. Even students at the graduate and post graduate level should be made aware with plagiarism and try to avoid manipulation of data and unethical practices. Research ethics implies that all the researchers must strictly obey the following codes formulated by our institute without any fail.

 As per the research norms of Kerala University plagiarism not allowed in our institute.
 All research scholars of our college are required to submit their thesis for plagiarism
check through plagiarism check software available in the University of Kerala.
 Permission from the Principal must be necessary for a researcher to participate in any of the conference/ Seminars/Workshop
 During organising conferences/seminars/workshops the faculties must evaluate the fidelity of all the submissions received.
 Motivate and embolden the research scholars and faculties to publish their valuable research findings in UGC care listed journals.

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